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How can I stop procrastinating at work?

Published by Editor's Desk
Category : productivity

What People are talking about procrastination at work?


'I’ve been noticing a pattern where I keep putting off tasks until the last minute. It’s like I’m paralyzed until the pressure is high enough, and it’s affecting the quality of my work.'


'I’m struggling to start projects even when I know they’re important. There’s this mental block, and I end up wasting time on unimportant things, and then I’m rushing to meet deadlines.'


'I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and it’s leading to procrastination. Every time I look at my to-do list, there’s a sense of dread and I end up avoiding it altogether, only to scramble at the last minute.'


So what happened?


If you’re behind on a looming deadline and yet you find yourself scrolling cat videos on your phone, staring at a blank screen or busy in an extended coffee break you’re likely procrastinating. As a procrastinator, your actions may be misconstrued as laziness and undisciplined but it’s not exactly that - isn’t it? Procrastination happens even to the most motivated and the best of workers. You’re not alone in this. Procrastination is an uncontrollable and an unintentional action wherein you stall an urgent, important action and indulge in a distraction of lesser importance. As a result you’re not only losing the outer battle of missing deadlines and putting your career at risk but also losing your inner battle in which your inner critic beats you into a pulp, attacking you with ugly names, making you feel like a lousy. 


What can we do about it?


Procrastination is not a reflection of your work ethic or character but is often a psychological response to anxiety, fear of failure, or overwhelming pressures. It’s a mental gridlock where the brain opts for immediate gratification to avoid discomfort, even when one is aware of the long-term consequences.


Solution: You Must Get Started


The key to overcoming procrastination lies in the simple yet powerful act of 'getting started.' Initiating a task is often the most challenging part because it’s where resistance is at its peak. However, once you make the first move, psychological barriers begin to crumble, and momentum builds up. 


 Why “Getting Started” is a Game Changer:


- Overcomes Initial Resistance: The first step bypasses the mental blocks and anxiety associated with the task.

- Builds Momentum: Progress, however small, fuels motivation and energy to continue.

- Shifts Focus: From the overwhelming entirety of the task to manageable portions, making the work feel less daunting.


 Actionable Steps:


- Break Down Tasks: Divide the work into smaller, manageable parts. Example: Instead of writing a report, focus on writing the introduction.

- Set Micro-Goals: Create mini-deadlines to accomplish these smaller tasks. Example: Complete the introduction by 10 AM.

- Use Timers: Allocate specific time blocks for focused work. Example: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break.


By simply getting started, you transition from a state of stagnation to a state of motion, and the anxiety associated with the task often diminishes. The focus shifts from the fear of the entire task to the accomplishment of the next small step, making the process manageable and less intimidating.


Can I read more about it somewhere?


Certainly! One highly recommended book on this topic is 'The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play' by Neil Fiore. In this book, Fiore offers insights into the psychological reasons behind procrastination and provides practical strategies to overcome it.


 About the Book:

'The Now Habit' outlines the reasons people procrastinate, emphasizing that it's not a character flaw but a response to fear and anxiety. Fiore introduces the concept of the 'Unschedule' - a weekly calendar of committed recreational and other non-work activities - as a means to plan guilt-free play and quality relaxation that can motivate one to complete work efficiently and effectively.


 Key Takeaways:

- Understanding the psychological triggers of procrastination.

- Strategies to transform the thought processes that lead to delay.

- Practical techniques to boost productivity and reduce anxiety.


This book is a great resource for anyone looking to understand the underlying issues of procrastination and seeking actionable steps to overcome it, emphasizing the importance of 'getting started' to break the cycle of delay and anxiety.


I don't get it.. Tell me more 


As a procrastinator it’s easy to label yourself and feel bad about yourself but at that moment if you can pause your natural response and ask yourself “Why am I so worked up about taking the next step? What’s really getting in the way?“ If you can address whatever the discomfort is at the heart of the matter you’ve got a good shot at making it out of the ever descending spiral of procrastination. Here are some questions you could ask yourself to get to the root of your issue:


1. Abstract Goals: 

   - 'Have I clearly defined what needs to be done and by when, or are my goals still too abstract and vague?'


2. Feeling Overwhelmed: 

   - 'Is the size or complexity of this project making me feel overwhelmed? How can I break it down into manageable parts?'


3. Perfectionism: 

   - 'Am I delaying this task because I’m worried it won’t be perfect? Can I accept that it’s okay to make mistakes and improve later?'


4. Fear of Failure: 

   - 'Is the fear of failure holding me back? How will this task impact my self-esteem or how others perceive me if it’s not done perfectly?'


5. Anxiety: 

   - 'Am I anxious about how others will evaluate my work? How can I manage this anxiety?'


6. Task Aversion: 

   - 'Do I find this task boring or unpleasant? How can I make it more engaging or bearable?'


7. Lack of Motivation: 

   - 'Do I feel unrewarded for my efforts or progress? How can I create intrinsic motivation or reward myself for small achievements?'


8. Physical or Mental Exhaustion: 

   - 'Am I too tired or burned out to focus on this task? Do I need to take a break or focus on self-care first?'


9. Resentment: 

   - 'Do I feel unfairly treated by my employer? Is this resentment affecting my productivity?'


10. Bad Fit: 

   - 'Am I unable to be my authentic self at work? Is this misalignment affecting my motivation and performance?'


11. Lack of Support: 

   - 'Do I know who to turn to if I encounter issues during this task? Is the lack of support making me avoid the task?'


12. Problematic Work Environment: 

   - 'Is my work environment too loud or distracting? How is it affecting my focus and productivity?'


These self-reflective questions can help you identify and understand the specific reasons behind your procrastination, leading to more targeted solutions to address these challenges.


Here’s what an ideal procrastination free work life looks like:


You arrive at the office, your workspace is organized and your day is planned out. There’s a clear list of tasks and objectives laid out, prioritized by importance and deadline. You’re not overwhelmed; you’re focused, knowing exactly what needs to be accomplished. The first task is challenging, but you dive right in, undeterred by the complexity or the potential for imperfection. There’s a rhythm to your work, a flow that’s uninterrupted by the allure of social media, the buzz of your phone, or the chatter of colleagues.


Mid-morning, you take a planned break, stepping away to refresh and recharge, not out of avoidance, but as a part of your strategy to maintain peak productivity. You return, crossing off completed tasks with satisfaction, the momentum building. Collaborative tasks are approached with enthusiasm; you’re a team player, contributing ideas and solutions with confidence, unhampered by anxiety or fear of judgment.


By the end of the day, your objectives are met, not rushed, but completed with precision and care. You leave the office with a sense of accomplishment, the day’s successes a testament to your focus, discipline, and proactive approach. Procrastination is a stranger; you’ve mastered the art of starting, executing, and completing with finesse.


In case you are wondering, there are some more problem and their alternatives

Unleashing Potential: 10 Secrets to Effortless Work Efficiency

The Double-Edged Sword: Navigating the Intersection of Perfectionism and Productivity

Procrastination Unraveled: A Journey from Overthinking to Decisive Action

The Paradox of Productivity: Harnessing the Power of Useful Distractions

Editor's Desk

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10 Good Distractions at Work Balancing Productivity with Wellbeing

Often, we view distractions in the workplace as hindrances to productivity. However, not all distractions are created equal. In fact, some can be beneficial, offering a much-needed break for our minds and enhancing our overall productivity. Let’s explore 10 good distractions at work that can actually boost your efficiency and morale.

1. Mini Mindfulness Exercises

Taking a few minutes for deep breathing or a short meditation session can reset your mental state, reducing stress and increasing focus.

2. Desk Yoga or Stretching

Physical movement, even something as simple as stretching at your desk, can relieve tension and improve blood flow, sharpening your concentration when you return to work.

3. Short Walks

A brief walk, whether it’s around the office or outside, can provide a change of scenery, fresh air, and a burst of energy.

4. Social Interactions

Having a quick chat with a colleague can be more than just socializing. It can foster collaboration, spark new ideas, and break the monotony of a routine.

5. Creative Breaks

Engaging in a creative activity like doodling, coloring, or solving a puzzle can stimulate your brain in different ways, boosting creativity and problem-solving skills.

6. Listening to Music or a Podcast

Tuning into your favorite music or an interesting podcast for a short while can be a great mental refresh, especially if your work is repetitive or requires intense focus.

7. Reading Something Unrelated to Work

Taking a brief period to read something non-work related, be it a chapter of a book or an article, can provide a mental escape and reduce stress.

8. Nature Interaction

If you have a plant at your desk or a window with a view, taking a moment to connect with nature can be immensely calming and rejuvenating.

9. Pet Time

For those in pet-friendly workplaces, spending a few minutes with a furry friend can lower stress levels and bring joy.

10. Mindful Snacking

Instead of mindlessly munching at your desk, take a short break to savor a healthy snack. This not only satisfies hunger but also offers a mental pause.

Embracing Positive Distractions

These “good distractions” are about finding balance. They shouldn’t derail your entire day but instead serve as brief intermissions that refresh your mind and body. By incorporating these into your daily routine, you can maintain high levels of productivity while also taking care of your mental and physical well-being.

Remember, productivity isn't just about constantly working; it's about working smart. And sometimes, working smart means allowing yourself the right kind of distractions.